I recently finished Vanessa van Edwards’ Captivate which was interesting. It’s an easy short read, useful for anyone looking to network, or improve their people skills. (Another good book on networking is Keith Ferrazzi’s Never Eat Alone). One of the chapters goes on about the different ways that people feel loved and valued, and how useful this information can be. This […]

Ted is amazing! You can read his full post here. It’s easy to get wrapped up with goals and lists. I know I have done. Hindsight is a powerful thing. I wanted to travel for a long time. Growing up – reading about the world’s top sights and cultures fascinated me. I was curious and eager to see the world. During my […]
I don’t get it

Warning. This may be the most boring, rambling and self indulgent blog post I’ve written yet. Seriously… I’m not kidding! Apologies. These days I feel like i’m going crazy. I’ve been trying to make sense of things recently. I don’t understand anything any more. Forgive me if this sounds a little autistic. I don’t think I’ve ever been great at relationships. I’ve […]
Are Young People “Entitled”?

People who complain about how “young people are so entitled these days” piss me off. Firstly – it makes whoever’s complaining seem really old. Secondly – these remarks are usually based on their experience of working with 1-2 people under 25 who have annoyed them… Hardly a decent sample on which to start blaming a whole generation. (If your complaining that young people “don’t work as hard these […]
In Transit

I’m in transit on our way to Australia. I love flying and I love being in transit – always have done. It’s the one time in my life that I can relax. I’m uncontactable and have time to read, sleep, or watch a movie without any distractions. Whether it’s a train journey or a flight, I like how there is […]
The Best Books I Read in 2016

I read a lot of books this year. Many were medical/health related books. I haven’t listed those here. I’m no medic and have no idea how accurate they are. Some were helpful, others less so. If you want recommendations – email me. Here are the books I enjoyed the most: Media/Technology So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed by Jon Ronson – This is an […]
My 2016 Annual Review

This has been one crazy year. To say that this year hasn’t been much fun is a bit of an understatement…. With Brexit and Trump being elected (WTF?????), it won’t have been the greatest year for many. This sums the year up for me (15 seconds): 2016 has been one of the worst years of my life. Still – a […]
My Most Useful Material Purchases of 2016

We moved into an unfurnished place for the first time earlier this year. It had central heating and everything 🙂 I’m embarrassed to say that despite my age and income, I’ve lived my life as a student/hobo until recently. I’ve always had trouble spending money on material things rather than experiences, (unless we’re talking about camera equipment, books, or fine wine….). Up […]
Then You Are Alive (To Zinda Ho Tum)

I’ve been listening to a lot of Bollywood tracks recently. One of my best friends got married last week. It was an Indian wedding that went on for a few days. I felt extremely fortunate to be there. It was awesome. I love Bollywood films. One of my favourites is Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara, (rough translation – Life Will Not […]
“There’s nowhere else like London. Nothing at all, anywhere.” – Vivienne Westwood

My life is slightly crazy at the moment, hence why I haven’t written anything for a while. I love living in London. It’s a beautiful city with so many opportunities. It’s easy to take it for granted. I’m lucky to live here. Photography This is a photo of the London Eye from Westminster Bridge. It was taken on Valentine’s Day […]