DSLR Travel Tips

Should you really bother taking a big conspicuous DSLR camera on vacation with you, even if you’re going to potentially dangerous or non-camera friendly places? Yes. Definitely. If you have one – take it. They aren’t the most subtle of cameras, and I wouldn’t walk around some cities with my DSLR hanging off my arm. Despite the extra weight, I would have deeply regretted […]

The Best Books I Read in 2014

I read quite a bit this year. Here are the books I found most useful and/or interesting: Random and Interesting The War of Art by Steven Pressfield – This should be read by anyone wanting to be in the slightest bit creative. The Big Short by Michael Lewis – The film is very good but the book is better. I […]

How to Deal with Recruitment Agencies

For most of us, dealing with recruitment agencies will be an inevitable part of getting a job. It’s by no means the best way to land your dream job, but if you’re starting out and have few connections, it might be your best bet. Using agents can be advantageous. Agencies are often notified of vacancies, sometimes before many in the […]

Are Permanent Jobs Overrated?

Many people can’t understand why I chose not to have a permanent job. When I started working fixed term contracts, I was surrounded by Australians contracting on working holiday visas. It didn’t feel like a crazy thing to do. When I resigned from my permanent job, my friends and family where shocked. Years later, some of them still can’t understand it. “When […]

The Madness of Our Hours Culture

Lawyers love time. Time is money. Most lawyers record every minute spent interacting or “working” on a client’s matter. Time is measured in units of six minutes. (Although, even if something  takes two minutes, one unit will still be recorded). Give them a call and send them an email, and before you know it, you’ve spent a few hundred (plus tax) […]

Reasons to Travel – Why You Should Go

I’m still getting used to being home and catching up with friends. Some people have no interest in our trip, others are too bitter to enquire.  But, among the usual, “What was your favourite country?”, and “Would you do it again?” questions from the generous few who ask, I’m constantly hearing “I really want to go travelling”, “I so wish I could […]

How to Be More Positive

Being more positive is easier said than done right.  For some people anyway. I’ll discuss that in a second, but here are a few things that have transformed my outlook into a consistently positive one: 1. Change Your Attitude Forget the “woe is me” syndrome which is so common among so many people in the developed world.  Some people are never […]