So can you really get from Foz do Iguazu from Bonito on public transport? Yes you can. It isn’t a direct bus so you’ll have to change but it’s easy to do and a well travelled route.
We weren’t sure of this either. Our guide book didn’t have much information but buses ply this route daily.
When does the bus leave from Bonito?
We caught the 2.30pm bus from Bonito.
How do you buy tickets?
Buy your tickets from the bus station. The station is in the centre of Bonito and you can easily walk to it. It’s the best place to go for up to date information.
The office you need usually looks closed, but is next door to the Cruz do Sur office which is usually open. The guy busy chatting up the woman in the Cruz do Sur office is the guy who needs to sell you the ticket, so ask him to open his office up if it’s closed, (or just looks like it).
When did the bus arrive? What were the changes?
The bus arrived in Foz at around 8am the next day.
We had to change buses twice but it was pretty straightforward. All buses changed and departed from the same bus station.
We changed once in Dourados where we waited for about an hour for the next bus at around 9pm. The second change was very brief and happened at around 4.30am. Everyone had to get off the bus then. Most of the passengers were going elsewhere, whereas the tourists went on to Foz.
The bus driver or conductor will tell you when you need to get off if you ask.
What was the bus like?
I can’t remember the name of the bus company but it was professionally run. It was a cama type bus and fairly comfortable to sleep in.
Unlike the Argentinians and Chilean buses we caught (which were boiling), the Brazilian bus cranked up its air conditioning, so make sure you have socks, jeans/trousers a jumper and maybe a blanket.
No food or water was provided as in Argentina.
The staff on both buses were great, and the driving felt pretty safe.
Your luggage goes into the bottom of the bus and is tagged. We were vouchers for our luggage for it so it all felt fairly secure. If you want you can keep an eye on your luggage to make sure it gets transferred to the right bus when you change.