So I finished Phil Knight’s Shoe Dog this weekend. I loved it. I had no idea where Nike came from and really enjoyed it. I’ve written about how the prologue got to me. Some of Knight’s closing comments also got to me. At the end of the book, he talks about watching the Bucket List with his wife, and reflects […]
Work and Productivity
Crazy Ideas
Sometimes I find it hard to sleep. Either getting to sleep, or waking up at 2am and not drifting off until 6am. I’m wide awake. Wired. A million things racing through my mind. Lots of crazy ideas. Today for example. I’ve had 2.5 hours sleep. I’m not working today but I hate feeling that tired. I can get by on […]
Ray Dalio on Principles, Strengths and Weaknesses
I listened to Ray Dalio promoting his new book on Tim Ferriss’ podcast recently. I promptly bought the book, which must be one of my most highlighted so far. Here’s Ray’s TED talk where he talks about building Bridgewater, (one of the most successful investment companies in the world), and some of the secrets behinds its success. I love […]
Emmy Inspired Thoughts on Sexual Discrimination
Reading and watching clips of the Emmys this year, reminded me of two conversations I had over the weekend. One was about discrimination. The other was on domestic violence. It was while watching Elizabeth Moss, (who had just won the Outstanding Lead Actress award for her role in The Handmaid’s Tale), being interviewed backstage. Elizabeth described how, in relation to […]
NHS and the WannaCrypt Virus
Don’t get me wrong – I LOVE the NHS. However, I was pretty shocked and majorly disappointed when I learnt that parts of the NHS’ IT system was run on Windows XP…. By now most people would have heard about the ransom ware attack that managed to affect most of the world’s countries and cause a huge amount of chaos […]
“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” – George Bernard Shaw
There’s a lot that I’ve changed my mind on recently. I know this post will grow over time. I’m not talking about regrets – of which I have plenty. And while we’re on the subject, I do think that the “no regrets/my life is perfect/I wouldn’t change anything” philosophy is overrated. Dwelling on regrets makes no sense, but acknowledging where […]
Finding Meaning in the Future
I’ve always been fascinated by the future. Yuval Harari’s Homo Deus is a fascinating book if you’re interested in what the next generations of humanity might look like. I also stumbled across this interview with Elon Musk from earlier this year. I love how this guy thinks, (read Ashlee Vance’s Elon Musk: How the Billionaire CEO of Space X and […]
How to Take a Year Off and Travel the World

I talk to so many people about this. They all “wish” they could do it. I don’t know if they honestly do. Such assertions are inevitably followed up by an excuse, a reason as to why they can’t go. The excuses never make sense – to me anyway. There will never be a perfect time to go, or do most […]
Why 9 to 5 Monday to Friday is Broken

I’ll soon be making my way back to the UK where I’ll be looking for work. I’ll be honest. I’m dreading it. Some people love working in an office. Sadly, I’m not one of them. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy most of my work, and I’ve been lucky to work with some great people who have become life long […]
Benefits of Meditation – Why and How

Meditation has changed my life. I don’t really understand how it works – all I know is that meditating on a daily basis, has brought me and those around me lots of benefits. I’m a much calmer person, and I’m urging everyone I know to get on it! Don’t get me wrong, I can still be a crazy bitch when I […]
How to Deal with Recruitment Agencies

For most of us, dealing with recruitment agencies will be an inevitable part of getting a job. It’s by no means the best way to land your dream job, but if you’re starting out and have few connections, it might be your best bet. Using agents can be advantageous. Agencies are often notified of vacancies, sometimes before many in the […]
Are Permanent Jobs Overrated?

Many people can’t understand why I chose not to have a permanent job. When I started working fixed term contracts, I was surrounded by Australians contracting on working holiday visas. It didn’t feel like a crazy thing to do. When I resigned from my permanent job, my friends and family where shocked. Years later, some of them still can’t understand it. “When […]
The Madness of Our Hours Culture

Lawyers love time. Time is money. Most lawyers record every minute spent interacting or “working” on a client’s matter. Time is measured in units of six minutes. (Although, even if something takes two minutes, one unit will still be recorded). Give them a call and send them an email, and before you know it, you’ve spent a few hundred (plus tax) […]
Apps That Have Changed My Life – The Best Apps Out There

Here are the best apps I have on my phone. The ones I use every day and would find it hard to live without. My life would be much harder if these didn’t exist: 1. Evernote Evernote is amazing. It’s a brilliant place to write notes, keep pictures, websites, PDFs, receipts, documents, everything. You can organise your notes into folders […]
How to Get out of Work on Time

We all need money, and for those not constantly snowboarding or sipping mojitos in Havana while living off an inheritance/trust funds/lottery winnings, most of us are going to have to get a job. Obviously, we should love our jobs so much, that we would be at our happiest in the office, not want any work life balance, and spend every […]