I LOVE SNL. The writing is superb. The sketches are often ridiculous but there’s always something that makes me laugh. The cast are amazing and I love how current/topical a lot of the sketches are. As far as I know, the whole show isn’t available in the UK but you can watch the sketches on SNL’s YouTube channel. Here are some […]
The Most Beautiful Timelapse I’ve Ever Seen
The world is huge and yet so small. I’m not usually a fan of time lapse photography. I was captured by this though. The colours, the clouds, the stars, the storms, the sunsets, and the sunrises – it’s all beautiful: It was brought to my attention by Brad Feld. Thanks Brad.
Blade Runner 2049
I watched Blade Runner 2049 at the IMAX last week. It’s visually stunning. Beautifully shot, and I love the immersive experience you get at the IMAX – it’s massive and the sound is so good! I’m not a huge fan of the original. Like a colleague of mine said, it’s ahead of its time but “thin on story”. 2049 makes […]
Musings on Domestic Abuse
Reading and watching clips of the Emmys this year, I was reminded of two recent conversations. One was about sexual discrimination, another was on domestic abuse. Why? I recently caught up with a family member who I don’t see often. Let’s call him Tim. On greeting Tim, Andrew shook his hand, and Tim yelped in pain. Apparently, he had spent […]
Emmy Inspired Thoughts on Sexual Discrimination
Reading and watching clips of the Emmys this year, reminded me of two conversations I had over the weekend. One was about discrimination. The other was on domestic violence. It was while watching Elizabeth Moss, (who had just won the Outstanding Lead Actress award for her role in The Handmaid’s Tale), being interviewed backstage. Elizabeth described how, in relation to […]
On Not Being Able to Have Children

Having children seems to be the easiest way to give your life meaning and direction. And for most people it’s what they’ve always expected of their future. Having their own family is what they always dreamed of having – many since they were kids themselves. It’s a right of passage. You get a job, fall in love, (buy a property), […]
NHS and the WannaCrypt Virus
Don’t get me wrong – I LOVE the NHS. However, I was pretty shocked and majorly disappointed when I learnt that parts of the NHS’ IT system was run on Windows XP…. By now most people would have heard about the ransom ware attack that managed to affect most of the world’s countries and cause a huge amount of chaos […]
Off the Grid Q2 – Disconnected

I’ve just got back from a few days off the grid. Sometimes I find it useful to disconnect and go away. My phone stays on airplane mode, and I don’t check my email, WhatsApp, or FB Messenger. Unless I’m listening to music or taking photos – my phone is rarely on me. (I don’t feel compelled to share every moment […]

Ted is amazing! You can read his full post here. It’s easy to get wrapped up with goals and lists. I know I have done. Hindsight is a powerful thing. I wanted to travel for a long time. Growing up – reading about the world’s top sights and cultures fascinated me. I was curious and eager to see the world. During my […]
I don’t get it

Warning. This may be the most boring, rambling and self indulgent blog post I’ve written yet. Seriously… I’m not kidding! Apologies. These days I feel like i’m going crazy. I’ve been trying to make sense of things recently. I don’t understand anything any more. Forgive me if this sounds a little autistic. I don’t think I’ve ever been great at relationships. I’ve […]
In Transit

I’m in transit on our way to Australia. I love flying and I love being in transit – always have done. It’s the one time in my life that I can relax. I’m uncontactable and have time to read, sleep, or watch a movie without any distractions. Whether it’s a train journey or a flight, I like how there is […]
My Most Useful Material Purchases of 2016

We moved into an unfurnished place for the first time earlier this year. It had central heating and everything 🙂 I’m embarrassed to say that despite my age and income, I’ve lived my life as a student/hobo until recently. I’ve always had trouble spending money on material things rather than experiences, (unless we’re talking about camera equipment, books, or fine wine….). Up […]
“There’s nowhere else like London. Nothing at all, anywhere.” – Vivienne Westwood

My life is slightly crazy at the moment, hence why I haven’t written anything for a while. I love living in London. It’s a beautiful city with so many opportunities. It’s easy to take it for granted. I’m lucky to live here. Photography This is a photo of the London Eye from Westminster Bridge. It was taken on Valentine’s Day […]
Protected: Crazy Times…
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
“If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there’d be peace.” ― John Lennon

Here’s a photo of a Tibetan nun at the Ani Tsankhung Nunnery in Lhasa. The building was built in the 15th century on a site that had been used for meditation by the 7th century Tibetan king Songtsän Gampo. It’s a beautiful complex. One of my happiest memories is when we visited the on-site tea house run by the nuns. […]

This has got to be the most boring title to a blog post ever! My Nain is obsessed with Andrew and I returning to live in Wales. After 16 years of living in London, you would have thought that she would have accepted that we are not going to move. I think she’s getting worse as she gets older. I […]
Rental Market Craziness

I don’t know why people hate estate agents so much. I asked one of them. He didn’t know. Reflecting on my experiences with estate agents over the years, I can’t say I’ve had many bad ones. All the agents I came across this time were wonderful. It was a pleasure interacting with them! I have a love-hate relationship with looking for […]
Death and New Beginnings

I haven’t got angry or lost it with anyone for a long long time. Still, I lost it with a poor Enterprise car hire employee. I think his name was Pierce. (Sorry Pierce). We had just been told that my Taid didn’t have long to live and we had decided to hire a car to drive up to the hospital to […]
Slowing Down?

I’ve recently been forced to slow down. I’m not in a position to be as active or sociable right now. It’s a good thing in lots of ways, but it is deeply frustrating! Fortunately, it’s temporary and I’m going to make the most of being able to take it easy to focus on a few things I might not be able […]
What Revolution Do I Want to Lead? – LYL Start-A-Blog Challenge – Day 7

Woo hoo! I made it! It’s the final day! These questions are hard! To be honest, I’m pretty glad it’s all over! From that point of view, it has been a real challenge. I’m not used to writing so openly and rushed. Most of the time I feel like I’m mumbling, droning on, and on and on… Anyway, let’s do this. […]
What Difference Do I Want to Make? – LYL Start-A-Blog Challenge – Day 6

OMG, it’s a good thing I haven’t had much on this week! I get these writing alerts at 5pm London time! It’s Friday night people! Tonight’s writing prompt is “What difference do you want to make?”………. They’re right. I need to work on this one. Also, can I just apologise. This is going to be rushed. Actually, all of these […]
What’s My Elevator Pitch? – LYL Start-A-Blog Challenge – Day 5

Is this over yet? No. Day 5. Today’s writing prompt is “What’s your elevator pitch”. …………………………I really don’t have an elevator pitch. Apparently LYL mean by “elevator pitch”, what are you excited about? What are you building or want to build? What do you care about….. I’ve read Simon Sinek’s Start With Why book, it’s very good. As is his […]
What’s One Thing I’m Proud Of? – LYL Start-A-Blog Challenge – Day 4

God knows! I really wasn’t expecting these kind of questions when I signed up to this…… I’m gathering now that this is some kind of public self exploratory exercise… “One thing I’m proud of?” To be honest, there are so many things I’m proud of. I’m lucky that way I guess. But, that does have a lot to do with being […]
What Do People Thank Me For…? – LYL Start-A-Blog Challenge – Day 3

Okay so we’re on day 2 of this “Blog Challenge”. Yay! Bring it on! Today’s writing prompt is “what do people thank me for”. OMG…seriously people! Let me think………………………………………………………………………………………. I guess. I’m often asked for ideas on places to travel. Good restaurants. Tips on things to see, places to go, and when. I’m sure there’s a really interesting and sexy […]
What Makes Me Angry? – LYL Start-A-Blog Challenge – Day 2

Okay, so I’m doing this LYL blog challenge. I’m trying another way to force myself to write. LYL (Live Your Legend) was set up by Scott Dinsmore who tragically died a few months ago. I actually only learnt about LYL as a result of his death. His wife, Chelsea, is amazing – incredibly strong, really inspiring. Scott’s written some fantastic […]
Meandering in Glacier National Park

This is one of the prettiest trails we walked along in Glacier National Park. I almost stepped on two snakes along here too.
Autumn Colours

I love Autumn. It’s one of my favourite times of year. I got to visit Westonbirt Arboretum a few days ago. It’s near the Cotswolds and well worth a visit, especially at this time of year. The colours are beautiful!
Apps That Have Changed My Life – The Best Apps Out There

Here are the best apps I have on my phone. The ones I use every day and would find it hard to live without. My life would be much harder if these didn’t exist: 1. Evernote Evernote is amazing. It’s a brilliant place to write notes, keep pictures, websites, PDFs, receipts, documents, everything. You can organise your notes into folders […]